I decided to start this sort of "miniblog" that has finite timeline. In this blog I'm planning to blog about two game development projects that are going to be big part of my graduation process: Quickrally and Tanksalot. I calculated that I have exactly 440 hours of time to finnish them both. There are other courses too that still need some effort and I need to do minor work-related stuff too, but mostly my time is now relatively free for some serious gamedev crunching.
My main reasons for starting this slightly time consuming blog are:
- I need to document these projects for school credits anyway
- I have a theory: Writing interesting stuff in the internet is more likely to have positive than negative outcome later in life
- Easier to keep track of the progress
- Writing is fun!
Readers of the blog (if any) are most likely going to be finnish, but I'm still doing this in english because:
- I seem to think about gamedev in my head in english
- Why put anything informational in the interwebz in finnish anyway?
- God damned, I just feel like it!
I'm not going to make any announcements like "I'm going to write atleast eleven posts per day" or "I'm going crunch like hell these three weeks and make some superb gamez". Life has taught me that while they seem like realistic goals beforehand, I am notorious for trapping myself with overoptimistic goals. So all I'm going to say is that I'll try to update as often as I feel fun and inspirational about it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Now I'm going to get some zZz. If this blog still feels like a good idea in the morning, I'll make it public.
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